Saturday 2 February 2013

Cheese And Egg Flan

So here's the pie..;)

And if you guys need the recipe , here it is
Pastry:   250g plain flour
              125g fat
              1/2 tsp salt
Filling:  1 onoin ( chopped)
              150ml milk
              2 eggs
              50g cheese
              chopped persley
              15g margarine
Garnish : 1 tomato
Variation: 100g chicken diced
              or 1 medium sized carrot grated
  1. Make shortcrust pastry. Sieve flour , and add fat. Rub in.
  2. Roll out dough and line a flan ring
  3. Prick bottom , with a fork
  4. Cover pastry with a sheet of grease of paper.Bake blond for 5 mins at 200 degrees celcius.
  5. Prepare filling , heat fat lightly , (if chicken is used fry together with onoin)
  6. Remove from pan.
  7. Beat eggs , stir in milk , 1 tbs cheese , salt and pepper , persley. Pour mixture into into flan case sprinkle rest of cheese.
  8. Bake for 25 mins at 190 degrees celcius. Garnish with tomato and persley.
This recipe is very nice and also delicious.. :P You should try it. It's very simple and easy.
I would give 4 STARS for this recipe. And as everybody like at home.. i might do it once again. :)
Try it and tell us what you think about it  :)

Friday 1 February 2013

Hit Counter
Hit Counter

What To find Here ??

Hello everyone.Welcome to my blog :)
Well.. the blog is finally created after so much time. So.. let's talk about What To Find Here?? Well actually it's kinda a food which of course we'll talk about food.. I will post pictures after each food i make..You guys will also find recipes , ideas etc.. and mostly recipes for cakes or desserts.

About me

I'm Ilhaam.. a maurtian girl . My hobby is to cook , so that's one of the reason why i've created this blog. My favourite cake is Molten Chocolate Cake..yummyy.. :P what about you guys??
So.. that's my first picture i'm posting..

mmmmm... Wanna taste it ?? :P
Don't forget to post your comments or discuss about your favourite cake or any food. I hope that you guys will like this blog .
      Keep Calm And Eat Whatever You Want!!